Account Transfers
Transfers is where you can see the status of transfers that have been submitted in Online Banking and where you can initiate transfers and manage transfer templates.
The Transfers screen will show you a list of transfers that have either been submitted for processing (Submitted tab) or that are pending release on a future date (Pending tab). The tab entitled "Submitted for Approval or Rejected" is not currently used so you will not see any transactions under that tab.
Submitted transfers will have a status of In Process which means the transfer has been accepted by Online Banking or Processed which means the transfer has been released to the Farm Credit Association for posting. Pending transfers are transfers that have a Processing Date in the future. By default, the system will show 60 days of activity; 30 previous days and 30 days into the future. If you want to see a different date range of activity click the Quick Search button change the date range display and click the Spyglass ico