Account Transfers Template
Online Banking provides you with the ability to create, edit and delete your transfer templates. From the Account Transfers page, click the button.
The Account Transfers Template screen will show all of your existing Transfer, ACH In and ACH Out templates. By looking at the Type column you will be able to determine what type of transfer a particular template contains.
To edit an existing template, click on the pencil icon that is on the right hand side of the list for the specific template. At the next screen make the changes you want and click the Save button.
To delete a template, click on the delete icon that is on the right hand side of the list for the specific template. Clicking the delete icon will bring up another screen that will ask if you are sure that you want to delete the template. Click the Delete button to proceed with deleting or the Cancel button to not delete the template.
1. Create New Transfer Template
To create a new Transfer template, from the Account Transfer Template screen click the New Transfer button.
Template Name – Use this field to name the template you are creating.
From Account – Select the account to take funds from.
To Account – Select the account to move funds to.
Amount – you can keep the default amount of 0.00 or enter another amount. The amount entered will be the default amount for the template but you do have the ability to change the amount when using the template.
Transfer Instructions - The default for this list is ‘Pay Other Amount.'
If you want the excess to be posted differently than the default, select another instruction from the drop down list.
Click the Save Transfer button. The next screen will give you the opportunity to verify the template information. Click Save Template to complete the process. You will be returned to the Account Transfer Template page. The template you just created will be shown in the list. You can begin to use the template by returning to the main Account Transfers screen and selecting the template from the Choose Template drop down list.
2. Create New ACH In Template
To create a new ACH In template, from the Account Transfer Template screen, click the NEW ACH IN button.
Template Name – Use this field to name the template you are creating.
From Account – This is the bank account that funds will be taken from. If you do not see the account you want in the drop down, you can request that it be added to the system. Click here to advance to the Add Account section.
To Account – This is the account that funds will be moved to.
Amount – you can keep the default amount of 0.00 or enter another amount. The amount entered will be the default amount for the template but you do have the ability to change the amount when using the template.
Transfer Instructions - The default for this list is ‘Pay Other Amount.'
If you want the excess to be posted differently than the default, select another instruction from the drop down list.
Click the Save Transfer button. The next screen will give you the opportunity to verify the template information. Click Save Template to complete the process. You will be returned to the Account Transfer Template page. The template you just created will be shown in the list. You can begin to use the template by returning to the main Account Transfers screen and selecting the template from the Choose Template drop down list
3. Create New ACH OUT Template
To create a new ACH OUT template, from the Account Transfer Template screen, click the NEW ACH OUT button.
Template Name – Use this field to name the template you are creating.
From Account – Select the account that the funds will come from.
To Account – This is the bank account that funds will move to. If you do not see the account you want in the drop down, you can request that it be added to the system. Click here to advance to the Add Account section.
To Account – This is the account that funds will be moved to.
Amount – you can keep the default amount of 0.00 or enter another amount. The amount entered will be the default amount for the template but you do have the ability to change the amount when using the template.
Click the Save Transfer button. The next screen will give you the opportunity to verify the template information. Click Save Template to complete the process. You will be returned to the Account Transfer Template page. The template you just created will be shown in the list. You can begin to use the template by returning to the main Account Transfers screen and selecting the template from the Choose Template drop down list.