Add ACH Account
Add Account is used to add a new account maintained at another financial institution to Online Banking so that you can transfer to and from the account. To add an ACH account, from either the New ACH Transfer In or New ACH Transfer Out page, click the ACH Account button.
On the Request to Add ACH Account screen, provide the information for the following fields:
Bank Name – Name of the bank at which the account resides.
Bank City – City in which the bank resides.
Bank State – State in which the bank resides.
Account Description – This is your description of the account and will be displayed with the account in Online Banking to help you identify it.
Account Type - This identifies the type of account you are adding.
Transit Routing Number – This identifies the Bank at which the account resides. This number can be found on the bottom of a check for the account. A sample of a check to assist you in identifying the Transit Routing Number is displayed at the bottom of the page.
Customer Number – This is your Customer Number at the Farm Credit Association. By selecting your Customer Number you are enabling ACH transfers to and from any of your Farm Credit accounts to this account. If you have more that one Customer Number shown in the drop down, you will need to submit an Add ACH Account Request for each customer number that you want to tie this account to.
Account Number – This is the account number for the account you want to add to Online Banking for ACH transfers. This number can be found on the bottom of a check for the account. A sample of a check to assist you in identifying the Account Number is displayed at the bottom of the page.
Once you have all the information entered, click Save. You will be presented with a screen to verify your information before continuing the Add Account process.
After clicking Submit, you will be shown a Request to Add ACH Account Authorization page. Take care to follow the instructions on this page to complete the Add Account process.
After you have printed the Authorization, click the Done button to return to the New ACH Transfer In or New ACH Transfer Out page.