
1. Quick search

Quick search function allows you to search for any pending, submitted or waiting approval transactions using calendar icon or manually entering the date. It will display 2 months range of transactions.

2. Create a Templated Wire Transaction

A Templated Wire Transaction is an outgoing wire transfer using routing and payment instructions previously saved in the system. See instructions for “Create a Wire Template.”

To create a templated wire transaction navigate from the Home page, by clicking on Payments & Transfers on the Main menu. The Wire Transfers page will be displayed:

Click on the 'Templates' button. The Wire Transfer Templates page will be displayed. Your existing templates will be showing in the templates list:

On the right side of the screen next to each template is a 'Load' icon. Click on the 'Load' icon(+ symbol) to bring up the routing and payment instructions associated with this template. The New Wire Transfer page will be displayed:

Debit Account. Select the debit account from the drop down list.

Amount. Enter the amount.

Value Date. The system will default the current business day. You may accept the current business day as the value date, or select from the following options to future date the transaction:

  • Click in the value date field to manually key in the value date.
  • Click on the calendar icon to select the value date.

Beneficiary Info. Automatically populated from the template.

Beneficiary Bank Info. Automatically populated from the template.

Reference for Beneficiary. Optional.

Originator to Beneficiary Information. Optional.

Bank to Bank Information. Optional.

By Order of Information. Optional.

Click the 'Submit Wire' button. The Wire Transfer Verify screen will be displayed:

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Confirm/Submit Wire' button. The system will display the Wire Transfer Confirm page with a message confirming that the wire has been saved:

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Done' button. The system will display the Wire Transfers templates page.

The wire transaction will appear in the appropriate tabs of the wire transfers page.

3. Create a Freeform Wire Transaction

A Freeform Wire Transaction is an outgoing wire transfer with routing and payment instructions entered by the CoLink user. This is different than a templated wire transaction, which uses routing and payment instructions previously saved in the system. See instructions for “Create a Templated Wire Transaction.”

To create a freeform wire transaction navigate from the Home page, by clicking on Payments & Transfers on the Main menu. The Wire Transfers page will be displayed:

Choose wire type from the dropdown.

Click on the 'New Wire' button. The New Wire Transfer page will be displayed:

Debit Account. Select the debit account from the drop down list.

Amount. Enter the amount.

Value Date. The system will default the current business day. You may accept the current business day as the value date, or select from the following options to future date the transaction:

  • Click in the value date field to manually key in the value date.
  • Click on the calendar icon to select the value date.

Beneficiary Name. Enter the name of beneficiary. The beneficiary will receive final credit for the wire.

Account Number. Enter the account number of the beneficiary.

Account Type. Select the appropriate account type of the beneficiary account from the drop down list. (Checking or Savings are the most common selections.)

Beneficiary Address, City, State and ZIP. Enter the address of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Bank Info. The Beneficiary Bank will receive final credit for the wire and apply the funds to the Beneficiary.

  • If you already know the Beneficiary Bank name and FED ABA number, you may key in the FED ABA in the appropriate field. The system will validate your entry details when saving the template.
  • Or you may use the 'Search' button to retrieve/validate this information. To use the Search feature, click on the 'Search' button. The Bank Lookup screen will be displayed:
  • Enter the appropriate data to search for the Beneficiary Bank using Name, City, State, ABA or a partial entry of any of these fields.
  • Click the 'Search' button.
  • Identify the bank on the list, and click on the bank name.
  • Click the 'Insert Bank Info' button.
  • The system will automatically populate the Beneficiary Bank Info fields on the New Wire Transfer page.

Add Intermediary Bank. This detail may or may not be required depending on the wire routing instructions. This detail is not required if the wire routing instructions include only the Beneficiary Bank.

  • This detail will be required if one or more additional banks are needed to route the wire to the Beneficiary Bank. If additional banks are needed, click on the 'Add Intermediary Bank' button. The Bank Lookup screen will be displayed.
  • Enter the appropriate data to search for the Intermediary Bank using Name, City, State, ABA or a partial entry of any of these fields.
  • Click the 'Search' button.
  • Identify the bank on the list, and click on the bank name.
  • Click the 'Insert Bank Info' button.
  • The system will automatically populate the Intermediary Bank Name and FED ABA on the New Wire Transfer page.
  • If another Intermediary Bank is required, click on the 'Add Intermediary Bank' button again, and proceed with searching for the next Intermediary Bank as described above. When two Intermediary Banks are involved, the first Intermediary Bank displayed on the New Wire Transfer page will receive the funds direct from CoBank. The first Intermediary Bank will pass the transaction to the second Intermediary Bank. The second Intermediary Bank will pass the transaction to the Beneficiary Bank.

Reference for Beneficiary. Optional.

Originator to Beneficiary Information. Optional.

Bank to Bank Information. Optional.

By Order of Information. Optional.

Click the 'Submit Wire' button. The Wire Transfer Verify page will be displayed.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Confirm/Submit Wire' button. The system will display the Wire Transfer Confirm page with a message confirming that the wire has been saved:

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Done' button. The system will display the Wire Transfers page.

The wire transaction will appear in the appropriate tab of the wire transfers page.

4. Create a Book Wire Transaction

A Book Wire Transaction is a transfer of funds to another CoBank customer. The funds remain within CoBank.

To create a book wire navigate from the Home page, by clicking on Payments & Transfers on the Main menu. The Wire Transfers page will be displayed:

Wire Type. Click on the drop down arrow and select Book from the list.

Click on the 'New Wire' button. The New Book Wire Transfer page will be displayed:

Debit Account. Select the debit account from the drop down list.

Amount. Enter the amount.

Value Date. The system will default the current business day. You may accept the current business day as the value date, or select from the following options to future date the transaction:

  • Click in the value date field to manually key in the value date.
  • Click on the calendar icon to select the value date.

Either select a beneficiary from the dropdown or create a new one.

Account Number. Enter the Beneficiary's CoBank 8-digit CIF number, followed by a slash mark, followed by the Beneficiary's CoBank 9-digit account number (e.g. 12345678/123456789). You will need to ask the Beneficiary in advance to provide you with this information.

Account Type. Select the appropriate account type of the beneficiary account from the drop down list. (Loan or Savings/Investment are the most common selections.) Or you may use the Checking default. (The system will not validate your selection.)

Beneficiary Name. Enter the name of beneficiary. The beneficiary will receive final credit for the book wire.

Beneficiary Bank. Please note that these fields are populated with CoBank information.

Click the 'Submit Wire' button. The Book Wire Transfer verify page will be displayed:

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Confirm/Submit Wire' button. The system will display the Book Wire Transfer Confirm page with a message confirming that the book wire has been saved:

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the 'Done' button. The system will display the Wire Transfers page.

The book wire transaction will appear in the appropriate tabs of the page.

5. Delete a Pending Wire Transaction

Transactions listed in the following categories may be deleted:

  • Summary of Wire Transfers Submitted for Approval or Rejected:
    • “Submitted for Approval” transactions remain in this category until approved by an authorized CoLink user, at which time they automatically move to a Future-dated/Scheduled, or Submitted/Completed status.

    • "Rejected" transactions remain in this category.

  • Future-dated Wire Transfer Summary:
    • These transactions remain in this category until the effective date, at which time they automatically move to a Submitted/Completed status.

 Please note that transactions listed in the “Submitted Wire Transfer Summary” category may not be deleted, because they have already been released into the Federal Reserve network.

To delete a pending wire transaction, navigate from the Home page, by clicking on Payments & Transfers on the Main menu. The Wire Transfers page will be displayed:

Locate the transaction that you want to delete.

Click the 'Delete' icon on the right side of the screen across from the transaction you want to delete. The Delete Wire Transfer pop up window will be displayed with a message asking if you are sure you want to delete this wire transfer:

Click the 'Delete Transfer' button. The Wire Transfers page will be displayed:

The wire transaction has been deleted successfully.